Expo Yaletown Dentist

Your Invisalign Vancouver Provider In Yaletown

Invisalign Vancouver

Your Invisalign Expo Yaletown provider can make you smile.

We are committed to creating healthy smiles. When your teeth are properly aligned, the health benefits are clear.

Your Invisalign Vancouver, BC Providers Explain: What are the benefits?

Healthier gums because it is easier to brush and floss

Improved dental hygiene because of reduced plaque buildup and tooth decay

Less wear and trauma to your teeth because of less chipping, breaking and reduced stress on the jawbone and joints

*Source: American Association of Orthodontists

Steps to a healthy smile

It’s as easy as 1-2-3

Invisalign Vancouver Provider

Smile Step #1

Sign up for your free, no obligation, Dental Scan & Treatment Plan Session with your Invisalign providers.

Your Invisalign Vancouver team will take a 3D image of your teeth in minutes using our iTero digital scanner. Then, we’ll show you what your smile and bite could look like using an AI-powered, Outcome Simulator. Our dental team will take the time to review the results of your 3D scan and the Outcome Simulator. If Invisalign® treatment is the right treatment for you, we will review the process and share the financing options that are available.

Your Invisalign Vancouver Treatment

Smile Step #2

Start your Smile Journey

If Invisalign® clear aligner treatment is right for you, we will provide you with a series of trays customized to your individual needs. You will need to wear the trays for 20 to 22 hours every day except for when you eat, brush and floss. Each week, you’ll switch your aligners. And, every 3 months or so, you’ll visit the office to check in with your Invisalign Vancouver, BC provider to ensure your treatment is on track and your teeth and gums are staying healthy. Your Invisalign providers will monitor your dental health throughout the journey.

Invisalign process step 3

Smile Step #3

Celebrate your healthy smile

Congratulations. You made it. Your teeth are straight and healthy and your smile is beautiful. Our Invisalign professionals will make sure you have completed all the requirements of the treatment and may recommend retainers to ensure you maintain your beautiful smile.

You’re invited to a free, no-obligation, Dental Scan & Treatment Plan session compliments of your Invisalign providers.

Your smile matters to us. Schedule your free, no obligation, Dental Scan & Treatment Plan session today with your Invisalign Vancouver, BC provider. And when you are done with your appointment, we can send you the pictures to share with your family and friends. They are sure to be impressed.

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Introducing Invisalign® Clear Aligner Therapy. Straight Teeth Mean Better Oral Health.

Invisalign treatment can be a great solution – for adults, teens, and even children – using clear aligner therapy to improve your smile and bite. Invisalign treatment uses a series of clear aligners that work to correct your orthodontic issues while offering the appearance of wearing no braces.


No pokey wires or discomfort


Available for children, teens and adults


Clear and removable to fit your lifestyle


Fewer and shorter appointments


No food restrictions


Easier to maintain your oral health

Invisalign braces
Kid with Invisalign brace
Girl laughing with Invisalign brace

Plus, with our digital scanner, you can view your virtual results before even starting treatment.

For over 20 years, Invisalign has invested in innovations and technological advancements to make it possible to fix nearly all common teeth-straightening and bite issues, from simple to complex. Rest assured, Invisalign clear-aligner treatment is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world, backed by more than two decades of innovation. At Expo Yaletown Dentist, your Invisalign Vancouver, BC provider and the entire practice team is here to improve your oral health and support you through this journey.

Is Invisalign® treatment covered by my Dental Insurance Benefits?

Many insurance plans cover all or a portion of orthodontic treatment. Check with your insurance provider for details of your specific plan. The final cost of your treatment and payment terms depends on your specific case and determined based on each individual patient needs. We are also offer flexible financing options that fit your budget.

What are the signs of misaligned teeth?

If you are experiencing cold sensitivity, jaw or muscle pain or headaches, teeth chipping or wearing, difficulty flossing, bad breath, dry mouth or receding gums, you could have abnormal tooth alignment. If you are presenting any of these conditions, you can contact your Invisalign Vancouver, BC provider who can help get your teeth out of trauma. We can help treat the problem and the symptoms related to these conditions:

As your oral health professionals, these conditions are a concern. There are consequences with poorly aligned teeth including:


Receding gums


Gum disease


Indentations at the gum line


Cold sensitivity


Chipped or fractured teeth


Tooth loss

Severe gum infections may increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, lunch diseases, problems in pregnancy, complications related to diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. All these are major health concerns and the solution is straighter teeth.

Your Invisalign Vancouver, BC Provider Explains: What are the differences between Invisalign® aligners and other clear aligners?

Invisalign provider logo
clear aligners
Other clear aligners Traditional braces
 Made from SmartTrack material for predictability and comfort Check mark
 In-person consultations with real doctors Check mark
 Easily removable for eating, drinking & flossing Check mark
 No emergency visits for broken wires Check mark
 Virtually invisible Check mark
 Made from traditional brackets and wires
 Each aligner is trimmed to your gum line for optimal comfort and appearance Check mark
 Blue compliance indicator dots to help you stay on track Check mark
 Covered by many orthodontic insurance plans Check mark

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